ESAR Drive a Smart Deal

ESAR gives you the opportunity to enjoy additional income by renting out your car at your convenience Rent smart Attractive to customers who make only occasional use of a vehicle as well as others who would like occasional access to a vehicle of a different type than they use day to day The organization renting the cars may be a commercial

Essar Steel to start operations from Odisha mine in FY18

July 31 2024 Business Standard Essar Steel said it hopes to commence mining from its captive iron ore block in Odisha in the first quarter of 2024 18 The steel maker recently bagged the Ghoraburhani Sagasahi block in Odisha through auctions quoting a premium of per cent above the reserve price and outbidding strong contenders like

ESAR Extraordinarily Simple AIS Receiver written in C RTL SDR

Thank you to Richard Gosiorovsky for submitting his latest SDR project called ESAR Extraordinarily Simple AIS Receiver AIS stands for Automatic Identification System and is used by marine vessels to broadcast their GPS locations in order to help avoid collisions and aide with rescues An RTL SDR with the right software can be used to receive and decode these signals and plot ship positions

Essar Power Completes Phase I Of Paradip Project

The facility comprises a pelletization plant at Paradip and a beneficiation plant at Dabuna which are connected through a 253 km slurry pipeline the release added KVB Reddy CEO EPoL said Our focus is on completing all our under construction projects in the quickest possible time and achieve our stated target of operationalising 6 100

Inicio ESAR

En ESAR fortalecemos las capacidades y conocimientosdel personal de salud En la Fundación ESAR sensibilizamos acompañamos y capacitamos a profesionales de la salud sexual y no reproductiva para que todas las mujeres niñas adolescentes y personas con capacidad de gestar de Latinoamérica puedan acceder a servicios integrales y de calidad


Dabuna Odisha and Chhattisgarh and pelletisation plants at Paradip and Vizag Odisha and Andhra Pradesh 2 Integrated steel complex situated in Hazira Surat Gujarat 3 Downstream capability hub located in Pune Maharashtra and 4 Seven service centres in various parts of India to cater to needs of its end customers